I need a hobby. This is a discussion that Mac's mom and I have been having for a while now. She says that hobbies prevent "burn-out" a common problem in our professions. I immediately thought of my dogs and thought that they could be my hobby - they already take up most of my free time! But she said that they don't count - it has to be non-animal related. I don't think that is quite fair since she brings her dog on her hobby "outings". But whatever. . .
I decided to look up hobbies on the internet and I found that I am a bibliophile. No, that doesn't mean that I do improper things with my books! Books do take up a considerable part of my spare time, but I wouldn't really want to classify that as a hobby. Mainly because I already spend too much $$$ on books as it is. If it becomes a hobby then I will be completely broke - and I already have books hiding in every nook and dog crate I can find.
Back to my search. . .
Model trains? NO!
Model Cars? NO!NO!
Model Planes? NO!NO!NO! - I have no patience for any of that!
I could make karaoke a hobby, but then I would probably alienate my friends. I could make hiking a hobby, but that would entail bringing my dogs, and that is a No - apparently. Bird Watching? again, animal related. I could do juggling or bowling, but since I can't actually do either, I don't think it would be a fun, relaxing activity. This is where my internet search ended - well, it ended after I learned about
geocaching. Very interesting, but not for me.
I had completely given up hope of finding a hobby this week until today. (ok, I know its only
Monday!) As I was walking the kids I saw two different people flying Kites. Its looked like so much fun. Then I started thinking that this must be a hobby for some people. They get home after work, throw their kites in the car, and drive to the windiest spot they can think of - the marina! I began to wonder how much time and money these people put into their kites. Do they belong to kite web-rings? Who knows, but it was fun to think about after a sad day at work. Not that I really want to make kite flying my hobby, but I can see the appeal.