Friday, September 26, 2008

Gimme Five

Or four . . .

Chicken feet the first time in a long time - and the first time for Abby. I didn't realize there were so many ways to eat a chicken foot.

Pocket wants to slurp hers down. . .

Mole eats his toes first. . .

Abby roles her in dirt first. . .

No matter how you eat it, its still gross to me - but super cheap with the new food deal through Feed This.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stealing Dogs

I am a "member" on a few dog message boards. I go on about once a week or so - its about all I can take. I like to hear a few funny stories, see some pictures, answer a question or two, but I am not "actively involved". The reason I am not active is because of crap like this I found on Pit Bull Forum:

Okay, so there is a family behind me and they have a pitbull puppy that they do not take care all. I'm sure you know what kind of people I'm talking about. She's never on a chain or leash or anything. They just let her run the block and every thirty minutes or so will look for her. Turns out she's usually in my yard playing with my dogs because I don't want her to get hit. I wish I had a picture of her, she's a five month old puppy, all white with brindle spots on her back, with one brown and one blue eye. Cutest dog ever, and get this, they want to breed her. (Of course). She's FIVE months old, I was talking to them after they came to my yard to collect their dog and they said how she was in heat and they plan to breed her. ...FIVE months. Good lord. She has no manners, no training, no shots...nothing. I feel like I have to do something...

Well, there's a friend up in Wichita who I called today. I told her she was getting a puppy on the 26th. (When I next go up.) Because I want to take this dog to her. I want to save this poor dog the fate of getting stolen, abused or hit by a car. ...Am I doing the right thing? Beth is definitely a person I would trust having a pitbull, and this would be her only dog at the moment so it would all work out. ...I have two weeks to decide, am I right in doing this?


You can't STEAL dogs!!! And the thing that made me more angry was the other responsible dog owners tell her to do it!

Huh? Did I miss something??? Since when is it ok to take something that doesn't belong to you just because you don't like (insert description here) I can't take someone's car just because its a classic and they aren't caring for it in the manner I think best!

Now I know that this is a DOG - a living, feeling, being - believe me, I know! But you still can't steal it! I follow many practices that most dog owners "(and even many vets) find reprehensible, but I am so thankful that they can't take my well loved, and well cared for babies away. I am probably one of the few "dog people" I know who actually like the terminology "dog owner" as opposed to "guardian" because guardianship can change, but once you own something, you own it until you decide you don't (and I know that many people don't relinquish their pets properly) Maybe I am just naive because I live in an area when Animal Control works - where they do their job and save the dogs that need saving and EDUCATE the people that need it.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

For Rent

roommate for rent

Better start sleeping with one eye open


My dogs are rescue dogs - I take great pride in that. I managed to get lucky with both adorable and well behaved pets free of charge. Most people have to pay a little bit for their rescue pets but since I have always had some involvement in rescue I managed to get all five of my pets at "no charge" - they only cost was my *soul*

Despite my happiness in having wonderful rescue pets, one of the things I miss is seeing what my kids looked like as babies and seeing their siblings. But having met many litters of puppies I know that just because two dogs are born from the same parents doesn't mean that they will look at all alike. But I still find myself ohhh-ing and ahhh - ing over dogs that look even a little like one of mine. Up until a few days ago I had only found one dog that looks even a little like mole. So you can imagine my surprise when I ran into pocket's doppelganger:

Can you tell who is who?

Even pocket's aunt had a hard time with this one. . .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


In six years one unspayed female dog, her offspring and their puppies, if none get spayed or neutered, can produce up to 67,000 dogs. In the same six years one unspayed female cat, her kittens and their kittens can add up to 73,000 cats. There will never be enough good homes for all of these unwanted pets. Humane shelters will continue to euthanize millions of healthy cats and dogs each year for no reason other than homes cannot be found for them.

Sometimes I feel like I just can't keep up

Monday, September 08, 2008


I'm thinking I should apologize to those who have had to deal with me these past two weeks, but I have been under quite a bit of stress. My work participates in the Bay Area Pet Fair and Adoptathon. This is a huge event for us - not only is it a great way to get our name out there, it also showcases some of our harder to place animals. But because it is such a huge event, there has been a lot of stuff to do - and that stuff has kept me up many nights and has made me a crying, crazy lunatic. Thank god its all over!!!

Looking back, it was totally worth it - I say that as I can hardly walk today from all the running around the past 4 days. We adopted out 6 dogs - one really hard to place dog, and two puppies I couldn't give away with a Ferrari. The venders had some fun items - not that I remembered to come back and buy and of it. The food was better then most fair food, but there was no Funnel Cake - wait a minute, what kind of fair is this???

But the real highlight of the weekend - and what made all this work worth it:

Getting to look like a Weimaraner.

Abby's mad she had to be an IG for the day.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Vacation - part 3

I have been super lazy about getting the final part of my vacation trilogy up here! I have too many dogs in my head - and too many on my bed! to get to this. The third part of my vacation was Niagara Falls - US side.

This is called the American falls, and are considerably smaller then the Canadian Falls - but they photograph so much better!

The Canadian falls are so large that you have to be back very far in order to get a complete picture of the falls

This is the best picture that I was able to take of the CF

This is a tour that takes you down along the AF - notice the bright yellow rain gear everyone is wearing??? You needed it - especially on the "Hurricane Deck"

Notice all the people in the blue rain gear in this photo. This is the boat that takes you *almost* into the CF. You get extremely wet on the "Maid of the Mist" but you also get some great shots - assuming your camera doesn't drown! (is that even possible?)