Sure they look innocent enough. . . but try to do something with one alone and they turn into screaming banshees!
Abby loves to train. Mole loves treats. Pocket actually doesn't care either way...
Agility is done for the year. Due to weather, holidays and trials, we have a 3 week hiatus from formal training. That doesn't mean that I can stop training, however. There are certain things that I am
supposed to be working on with Abby... but I have almost no motivation to do it because it brings chaos into my otherwise calm household.
All of my dogs are
clicker trained - even the ones that don't really like the click itself...Not that I am trying to be mean and use a scary clicker for a dog that doesn't like the sound, but in my trying to find a click that my dog's don't hate, they have learned that clicking means
TREATS!!!!!! And while I have stopped using clickers with mole all together, he still thinks that he should get a treat when he hears the click for another dog. And when he doesn't get a treat, he screams his head off.
I am positive that I am not the only person in the world without a yard I can train in, and with multiple dogs who are clicker trained. But how do these people train one dog without the other dogs going to pieces??? Or maybe people live with the barking for 15 minutes at a time??? But considering the fact that I will probably always be a multi-dog household, and the fact that I will probably always be training at least one dog, I need to figure out a way to train in peace!
Maybe frozen kongs and knuckle bones. . .