Something happened at the dumps a few weeks ago, and I keep forgetting to mention it. But I figured today was about time.
We have been going to the dumps a lot lately - mainly because of Abby. We run into few people there and I believe that the routine will ease her anxiety and maybe build confidence. Another reason we go there is because of all the open space - and few people. Since I have small dogs, I always worry about larger dogs; and although all have been friendly so far, I still worry. I like to give my dogs a chance to run and be dogs, but its important that we do it safely. The only time we really run into other dogs is at the beginning and end of the trail. There is one way in and one way out.
So . . . a few weeks ago we were walking into the park. We are at the tail end of entrance trail - just about to turn right onto one of the main walking trails. My dogs were walking and peeing like usual - completely oblivious to everyone and every thing. Let me make it clear that they were not running around acting like idiots barking at and chasing imaginary bugs. We were simple walking. All of a sudden I hear this woman calling out behind me; usually I ignore people calling out as I know where all my dogs are and I know they aren't reeking havoc. But what she said caused me to turn and look - mainly because I thought I had to worry about my dogs too. She yelled "are your dogs going to chase my dog?"
I turned around to look for the offending dog and realized that we were the only two there. She had a large shepherd x dog on leash and was holding tight looking as if she might run. It took me a minute before I could say anything because I couldn't believe what she was asking. Were my two tiny (well behaved, minding their own business) dogs going to chase her giant dog? WTF? Who cares if they did? What in the hell would they do to that dog? Bite his toes? I yelled back "NO! is your dog going to chase my dogs?" She said "No". We went our separate ways.
Then about a week later we came around a bend and almost bumped into the same lady. She was with a friend and the same shep x dog and a OBD. The friend said "look how cute" The crazy lady said "and they are so well behaved too".
I am usually beaming with pride when I hear this, but after the previous week, I just wanted to get as far away from that woman as possible. I mean, come on. I know that little dogs are often seen yapping at the feet of people and dogs 50 times their size. But if you see two small dogs minding their own business with an owner close by, it is very rude hurtful to assume that they are nasty ankle biters.
People really should just mind their own dog's business!