Lets start with the attack on pocket:
We go hiking in this wonderful off-leash area. Its not a dog-park in the traditional sense but a lot of dogs do go there and many people meet up there for play-dates. Despite the hundreds of dogs that we have met through the years we have never had a problem with a single one. Granted, Mole has had an issue with a rambunctious puppy or two, but he calls off quickly and we all walk away no worse for the wear. But today was a disaster. We went for our walk like normal - got to the top of one of the hills and we came across two women walking two dogs. One we had seen a few times before. She is a pit-bull sharpei and is full of energy. I have always been leery of her because of her breed and her age - and I know that my kids don't do well with that high energy, non-stop, play drive that she has. The other was a brindle thing - no discernible characteristics. The sharpei ("sassy") started to walk towards pocket today and pocket just stood still - about 5 feet from me. They looked at each other, no issues. . . until the brindle thing came bounding up behind sassy. That imediately turned into a bounding drive toward pocket. Pocket took off running and ran in a huge circles. I yelled leave-it and called for pocket. The women half hartedly called for their dogs - followed by the "they just want to play" chatter. I finally yelled STOP loud enough for everyone to freeze - including terrified pocket. The two dogs went back to their owners and pocket waited for me to come get her. The ladies started in again with the "they just want to play" and my response was that "a hundred pounds of dog chasing 5 pounds of dog is not play." We finished our walk, but we were all shook up. And I am having serious thoughts about going back there again.
Then came the computer crap. . .
My computer went down a few months ago - a friend was able to get it started again but it still has bugs. I tried all the basic stuff, but eventually it became clear that everything would need to be re-installed. That process takes HOURS! Starting with the backing up (I have done this before, but with all the new pics, it needed to be done again.) Once everything was finished saving, the re-install didn't take to long . . . but the moving of the saved files back to the hard drive takes a long time.
But in pap-pap news:
We are now starting to eat some wet food - but enjoy it most when its mixed with the milk in the bottle. The back teeth are almost all in and he now can climb up and over stones in the yard - and up one stair. He sleeps 6 hours a night and entertains himself at times. We had a photo shoot in the back yard - but since my photo editor still isn't working . . . grrrrr

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