This confused the crap out of me for two reasons 1) I was slightly tipsy 2) why was my boss sending this to me on a Friday night? Apparently, someone had stolen her garbage can and had left this "ransom" note. She thought that it was the macinator being funny. I don't think she knows the macinator very well, because if it has been her, there would be ink smudges on the side and the writing would be illegible. Never-the-less, they followed the note's instructions and found this gate

They did not enter the gate. If they had, my story would have ended there. . .
I spent the next few nights worrying about the lost garbage can. Trying to figure out who would have done it. What would I do to the person when I found them with the can?
Skip to a few days later. . .I was at BYOBW with some friends when I saw HIM

Superman stole the trash can!
So what did I do?
I did what any normal human being would do!
I called the cops!

I don't think that they ever caught him, though. Superman is faster then a speeding bullet and all this cop had was a "big wheel"
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