This is my drivers license. I know it is a bad picture, but I think the teeth marks are obvious.
The sad thing is that I wasn't even mad... part of it had to do with the fact that she ate it on Sunday and I already had an appointment the next day at the DMV to renew my license. Part of it was that it just doesn't surprise/upset me anymore at all. And in the scheme of things, this was one of the cheapest things that she has eaten.
Lets review what Abby has eaten:
receipts (that I need for work for reimbursement!)
part of my mattress
seam ripper
electrical cords
empty plastic containers
plastic bags (countless. . .)
plastic container that still held sewing needles (I found all the needles)
bait bag (this one I completely understand)
And this is a short list of what I can remember off the top of my head. And this is all stuff she had found in a "dog proof" room.
So you can see why eating something as easily replaceable as a CDL isn't that high on my frustrations with Abby scale. . .
Sometimes the only thing you can do is shake your head and sigh. . .