Pocket: I love this picture because the blown-out background makes her look like an angel. And while those of us who know her best know that she is anything but. . .in reality,though, she really is my easiest dog.

Mole: he was the hardest because I love EVERY picture of this old man! This one tops my list (for today) because it shows a side of him that not everyone gets to see - his smiling face! Mole usually takes the serious route. . .it's hard being in charge of everyone! Since we started agility, I see this face more and more. And it makes me happy to see him so happy. Even the trainer noticed it today when he was doing the dog walk. She said "wow, that really is his favorite obstacle!" I love when other people get to see the side that I see.

Abby: Her face is a little blurry in this picture because I was actually trying to get a picture of her *new* collar, but I think that this picture shows her doggy side. She has come so far in the past year, and she is becoming more and more like a regular dog. In some ways, she already is, but since I require more from my dogs then the average person, she has to come just that much farther. And she is continuing to surpass my expectation every time I set them.

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