Today, I decided to spend some quality time with my old man. I was trying to figure out what to do because we can't really walk too far. He doesn't really like to sit and do nothing for extended periods of time either. Abby had class later, so we couldn't really do anything too time consuming. I decided that we would go and have breakfast. It sounds kinda silly when I say it like that, but we both had a really great time.
I looked on Yelp for some breakfast places that had outdoor seating and came across the Blackberry Bistro. It was close, had good reviews, was in a neighborhood that I knew, so off we went. I was careful to pick a parking space close, but not too close so that we could get in a tiny walk (two blocks). We had a 10 minute wait, but that was better than I was expecting at 11am on Father's day. I thought our table was fine, but Mole thought he hit the mother-load! There must have been kids sitting at our table before because there were cheerios all over the ground. He had a blast cleaning up. I choose to wait and eat the food that was brought to me on a plate - eggs, potatoes, cheese roll, and. . . bacon!

Guess who ate the bacon:

He was such a good boy the entire time. He is actually the perfect eating companion because he doesn't want to be on my lap, and he is happy eating whatever I hand him. We both had a really good time and I am planning on doing this more often.
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