Thursday, August 05, 2010

The Lone Wolf

Who would have thought that Abby would be a dog that could do things by herself. There was a time when I wasn't sure that I would ever be able to do something with Abby alone. When it became apparent that we could do things alone, I wondered if Abby would ever really enjoy doing things alone.

Abby and I do a lot of things alone now, and I think that we have a pretty good time together. But I always thought that she would rather have one - or both - of the other kids join us. Today I learned that isn't the case.

We went on another hike today with mole. I enjoy the hikes with mole - even if they are slow and we don't get any aerobic benefits from them. Mole sure has a great time. I thought that Abby would have fun sniffing and peeing alongside her brother. Abby had a miserable time the entire walk. Well, miserable is probably too strong a word, but terrible is probably accurate.

The whole walk, Abby spent at the end of her long line trying to pull me up the hill. When I didn't give in, she would run back to me, demand bark/whine and run up the hill again. It was obvious that she wanted to GO. She didn't want to sniff the flowers, she wanted to power up that hill the way we normally do. And she acted even stranger when I told her we had to turn around. She wasn't ready to quit!

I know that Abby doesn't understand that we can't do what we normally do when Mole is with us, but I thought that she would have so much fun playing alongside him that she wouldn't realize we weren't doing our normal thing. But I should have learned by now that Abby doesn't take change well; and it's easiest for her to stick to the normal routine. She has more fun doing what we normally do - regardless of what other fun things are present. Abby is actually ok doing things alone. . . well, alone as long as I'm there with her. . . we won't get into how she feels when she is really alone. . . that may never be ok. . .

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