Sometimes I think back to the day I brought Abby home and wonder what my life would've been like if I made a different decision. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about that because I have so much else to worry about with Abby actually being here. Now that Abby is finally past the majority of the behavioral issues, she has decided to start experimenting with medical issues. For a recap of some of Abby's medical issues, you can read here, or here, or here, or here, or here, or here. And while looking for those I realized that there have been a few other things that haven't been blogged about - probably because they stress me out too much to think about.
This latest medical adventure is a do-over of sorts. Abby didn't give me enough stress with the first tumor we found in her mouth, so she decided to grow a second one. I was less than thrilled. This one was at least a bit easier to remove as it was in the front of her mouth where she no longer has any teeth. A few minutes with a laser and she looks as good as new.
Or at least as good as any 7 year old over-bred dog can look. Poor Abby looks so silly as she recovers! In general she seems to be doing much better this time after surgery. Her personality seems to be intact, although she is a bit more whinny and demanding. She doesn't seem to be having the same side effects from the drugs that she had last time either. Abby is still eating this time too - a great sign considering how long she was on her hunger strike the last time. She doesn't seem to be in much pain and I think that in another few days we can stop the pain meds all together.
Thinking about all the medical issues that Abby has faced, and will continue to face as she gets older, makes me even more thankful for the fun times that we share. Two days before her surgery, Abby was in another agility fun match. She can't do as much because her back and elbows bother her, but she still looks like she is enjoying herself. And at the end of the video, when she is looking up at me with that tail wag, I think back to the day I brought her home and know I am so lucky that I am allowed to share my life with such a wonderful dog.