We had to find some new hiking trails for a variety of reasons, so after a quick glance at
ODog we found
Redwood Regional Park - super close to home and completely off leash! I feel so lucky to live where I do and places like these really reinforce that feeling. We are so lucky as a dog-owning community to have the East Bay Regional Parks where we can take our dogs completely off leash on thousands of different trails. We prefer the more remote ones because none of my kids are super dog friendly - although they are very dog-tolerant and do quite well meeting dogs on hikes. The main problem with these more remote trails is that they tend to be heavily populated with bikers - not a dog-friendly bunch in general! But, lucky us, bike people tend to be early risers, and we like to cuddle a bit before the morning walk.
But even after a cuddle - and a VARY LATE start at 10:30am, there was still ice everwhere! I know its hard to see in this picutre, but its there. . .

And after an hour of this view:

I got this view:

Ok, not much of a view, but totally worth the hike to feel the sun and see green grass instead of ice! The kids got very muddy - the bikes (and shade) tend to make things quite nasty. But they are dogs, and they don't really care. My car seats care, but I have covers so I really can't even complain about the car...
I like this place and plan to go again. We might check out more trails eventually, but this one was quite fun - and pocket found a tree. . .It was love at first sniff. . .
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