I work for a vet hospital and like most vets, we do some pro-bono work. Yesterday a special little girl came in for a complete make-over. She was "rescued" from a puppy mill in Missouri , or as my friend said "from misery". She came in to get spayed, vaccinated, and her teeth cleaned. And what a mess those teeth were (I actually wore gloves!) For some reason this little one spoke to me - not many do anymore. I felt bad for her and felt that I could give her a nice few days of pampering and rest. Oh wait, I forgot, I'm pet sitting. Some how five dogs doesn't sound very relaxing. But she seems to be adjusting well. She does better with them then she does with me.
Side view: she is so fat!!!! but so cute.

Checking herself out in the mirror. How can you say "no" to that face?

I love how her little tongue sticks out. Its sad really, cause we had to pull her bottom incisors out.
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