Mac's mom called me this morning to see if I wanted to take a walk with the kids (and possibly the foster). I hemmed and hawed a bit because I knew that the foster did not walk on a leash. Not that I blame her, she has probably never had one on before Friday night. But I agreed because I knew that my kids needed to get out and it would probably do Abby some good to see the world a bit. This was not the smart idea.
After getting to Mac's house we loaded up all the kids in the car. My 2+1 in the crate in the back with Mac sitting firmly in my lap in the front. This was not the smart idea. Pocket has figured how to get out of the crate. She already figured out how to open the door. But she has now figured how to climb out the top of the crate. Definitely not a smart idea with a mostly pocket-friendly pit bull in the car.
The smart idea actually came when Mac's mom said that I needed to get a little martingale collar for the foster. Great idea cause once we were actually using the leash, the first thing that girl did was try to back out of it can hide. Not a smart idea on a busy Oakland street.
Showing off the pretty purple princess collar

Playing in the Oakland snow (really!)

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