Car ride there:

The dumps (aka: oyster bay) was a completely new experience for Abby. I highly doubt that she had ever been on a "walk" before. We had tried a few times before today, but she really is a "freak-on-a-leash" She made it completely impossible for my kids to walk normally. Letting my kids off-leash made it easier for me to control her. The funny thing was that once we were out and away from everything she was perfect. She would walk out in front with one of my kids, but would always come back if I called her - something I never expected. If we didn't come across those scary people every once and a while she probably wouldn't have needed the leash at all.

Besides people,we came across a few other "scary" things. The orange cone was probably the scariest. It was just laying in the path and we could see it from a distance - causing her anxiety to have a chance to grow. But once she saw that Mole thought it was ok, she thought it was ok too.

Those creepy blue things didn't seem to bother her as much. At one point she tried to jump up on it! My shutter speed was too slow to catch it, tho.

Another lesson we learned: not all plants are nice. This one jumped up and bit her. I don't think she ever figured out why, but she never got close to another plant with those purple flowers.

All in all I think that we had a nice walk. The best part was coming home and having everyone fall asleep - giving me a chance to rest for the first time in a week.
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