Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Abby RL1

Abby has a title. And by the look on my face you can see that I couldn't be happier. Who would've thought 3 years ago that this little feral dog would have a title?

While a part of me could care less if Abby ever got a title or not, another part of me wanted her to get one, just to prove that she was a "real" dog and could do anything that all those other dogs could do. I'm sure I'll have many more dogs in the future that will get many more and more extraordinary titles, but this one is extra special. This is not only the first title I have ever gotten on a dog, this is probably the most worked for title that I will ever have. I'm proud of Abby, but I'm also proud of myself for sticking with this crazy little dog and working through all the joys and all the set backs that come with training a special needs dogs.

Way to go Abby!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you both. xoxo Robin

themacinator said...

very very proud!

i still think she needs a fancy name...

Anonymous said...

I am very proud of what you have accomplished with Abby and the trust she has in you to achieve this title.

Going back 3 years, I never thought Abby would be comfortable around people and now this? Special for both - What a team! Dad