Monday, June 30, 2008

Busy Day

Abby has had a crazy 24 hours.

After being found in Union City she was brought to a local vet where she sat patiently while we removed countless ticks from her. She then had the unfortunate experience of getting a bath with an open wound. I know it sounds terrible of me but I did get the go ahead from the vet first - and she really needed it. Not only did she smell terribly, but she also had a bunch of dirt stuck in clumps around her and she was full of fleas. Since she was to have surgery today, she wouldn't be allowed a bath for three weeks. And the bath not only killed the fleas, but it was also soothing for her sun burn and scabby skin. Her surgery today was a long endeavor cleaning and suturing the open wounds, removing a mysterious growth on the side of her body and cleaning her teeth. She has a long road to recovery, but I think she will make it.

Abby will be fine, but I'm not sure that I will be. I have a constant rush of adrenaline from telling more and more people her story. I didn't sleep at all last night - Abby slept off and on - as long as the TV was on she was ok. But I really can't sleep with the TV on, so that in and of itself made my night difficult - not to mention the constant potty outings and demands for food. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all. I welcome her being home the reason for my sleepless nights as opposed to her being gone the reason. Managing three dogs again is a struggle, but once mine calm down from the change things will be easier.

Tomorrow I start my new job - with Abby in tow. I imagine I will get a few interesting looks before I get a chance to explain. And I'm crossing my fingers that Abby doesn't scream her head off every time I walk out of my office.

For the curious, a look at my "bag of bones" (most affectionately said of course)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Abby is FOUND!!!

Abby is home.

She was gone for five weeks and two days. She lost a third of her body weight. She was covered in ticks and fleas. She has a large wound on her side that will require surgery. She is anemic and full of infection.

But she is safe . . . and she will heal with time.

She ate some chicken then immediately crawled into her crate to fall asleep. She will sleep for days and won't be out of my sight for a long time.

Thank you all for your kind words, prayers, and support. Miracles do happen and Abby will always be one of those success stories.

Abby is home . . . her forever home.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Sometime you can have too much of a good thing. But that's rarely the case with good books. There can never be enough good books - even though I have yet to make a dent in the massive collection. There are so many times when I buy a book and hope that the words will entrance me the way so many others have. I am disappointed time and time again by the inadequacy of some authors but other times I am so pleasantly surprised that I will choose another book by that same author hoping that the magic happens twice.

In this case, it hasn't.

I decided on "The Other Boleyn Girl" mainly because it was half off. It was the rare occasion that I was at a new book store but even then I cannot bring myself to pay full price. Had I known then what I know now, I would have paid full price for this book. And surprise, surprise, it will be one of the many that I will keep. The story is about King Henry the Eighth and one of his many wives. Its a historical fiction full of lust for power, greed, envy - you know, all the good stuff. It is an easy summer read written in clear, yet descriptive language.

I liked the writing so much that I decided to try another book by the author Phillipa Gregory. This time I picked up "Wideacre" it was her first novel and the first in a trilogy - a big step for a young author. Bad move - on my part and hers. I should have learned my lesson from Jodi Picoult. I loved her book "My Sister's Keeper" so much that I read three more of her books - hating each one more than the last. But since I loved that first so much I tried again and again but being more and more disappointed. "Wideacre" is a historical romance - not even a very good romance . . . although I have to admit that I have only read once romance author and I read it more for "family obligations" then for the romance. But I am considering giving her a pass on this one. I will finish this book but I will not read the rest of the trilogy - the incest is a bit too disturbing for me. I will probably try another one of her later works - maybe she learned her lesson?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fresh Start . . . Back To The Begining

I will be leaving the veterinary field after two and a half years of long days, sleepless night, short lunches, and weekend and holiday work. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of it, but I'm exhausted. I need a more regular schedule with steady days and occasional vacations. I need everything to be a little less "life and death".

All that being said, I'm going back to rescue. Don't laugh. Its true - I'm doing something that I said I will never do again. Not sure how it happened, but it did and I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the stressful days of not knowing which dog to pull and which to leave - for probable PTS. The stress of where to put it until it gets adopted and if the home its placed in is the absolute perfect home for him. Sure I'll get two days a week to myself and holidays, but I doubt if I'll ever get my full lunch or sound sleep at night. Some of us just aren't that luck - nor do we want to be.

Something are worth far more . . .

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Fail Blog

Everyone loves Fail Blog, but some hit home more then others - and since I'm not a 21 year old naked drunk guy . . . this is what amuses me most:


It reads:

"book rental service?

was just thinking. my sister does -alot- of reading, and spends like $1000 a year on just books alone. most of them she reads once then never looks at again. is there any kind of like…video rental store but for books? would make things alot cheaper, plus once one person had read one the next person can get enjoyment from it etc"

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Time Off

I need a break from life for awhile. Every once in a while something will happen that alters your view on life. It can change the way you feel about yourself and the way you feel about others.

Abby is still missing. This is one of the hardest things I have gone through - and I have gone through some really crappy things. Not knowing where one of your kids are is harder then knowing if they died. You always wonder. . .

But on the other side, I have learned that people can be amazing. People I don't even know are calling and asking if they can help. People all over are concerned and are keeping her in their thoughts and prayers. Its funny how complete strangers can fill you will love and offer amazing support. This is a crappy thing to happen, but it has restored my faith in people - Something that I never really had to begin with.

Keep your fingers crossed that Abby makes it home. We all miss her. . .