Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Training Update

I haven't written a whole lot lately about Abby's training mainly because we took a few weeks off. In the past year and a half we haven't taken much time off from training because there was always something going on. But now that we can't do agility, its easier to take time off between classes. I've still been hiking with her and doing small things here and there, but no actual training.

A few months ago, I put together a training plan for Abby that consisted of 3 phases. The first phase was to get her out in new environments. The second was to do very basic training in environments that she was comfortable in. The third phase. . . well, we didn't actually come up with a third phase because we were still trying to work on the first one. I think that I have an idea for phase 3 that consists of training in new environments. . . but we aren't there quite yet.

Today Abby and I started phase 2.1 of our training plan. I had no idea that there would be a 2.1 when I started, but I knew it today when I saw it. Abby and I went to our favorite hiking spot. We don't go there a whole lot because it is a bit further than our usual hiking spot - and way more remote. Abby likes the quiet of this place but I am always worried about mountain lions and psychopaths. In these hills Abby will totally settle and actually walk and mark and will just be a dog. I knew that this was the right place to do more intensive training with her.

I wanted to do some training before our hike because I figured that she would be less interested in getting back in the car - one of Abby's favorite things to do because she gets an "all done" cookie after class and hikes, etc. Abby did surprisingly well on the basics, so we worked on some distance stays, and some mom being weird stays. I was quite impressed with her willingness to work in this environment, and more impressed that she didn't completely freak out when a car a drove by. After the training we went for our usual hike (well, maybe a bit slower since I took an ass kicking class at the gym yesterday. . .) As we approached the car, I got this silly little idea in my head about doing some more training BEFORE getting into the car. I have no idea what devilish imp gave me that idea, but I decided to run with it. I was completely shocked when Abby actually responded to the training commands. She really wanted to get into the car, but she still worked some heeling and some stays - and a "distance" down ("" because I'm really only 2-3 feet in front of her at this point). I was really proud that she was able to control herself with something so tempting in front of her.

I'm still super bummed that we can't do agility. . . and even more bummed about it when she flies over the ONE jump we do in Rally 2 practice. I'm sad that her body gave out because I think that she would have continued to do well in the sport. But even though I am bummed about agility, I'm really glad that we still have something fun that we can do together. And it's nice that we can practice closer to home rather than drive 30-60 minutes for training.

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