Monday, September 27, 2010

New Training Project

I have wanted a new portable dog water bottle for a long time. My old one is great, it's better than a lot of them on the market, but it's plastic and I don't trust plastic long term. I recently saw a super cool stainless steel water bottle for dogs. I loved the design and the durability of it, so I sent the info to a friend of mine who owns a holistic pet store to see what she thought. After a trip to a trade show, she brought this back:

It's not exactly the same thing, but it is pretty close - and I didn't have to pay shipping! The only draw back in this model is the licking-ball (I believe that's the technical term) that the dogs have to use to get the water out. For some, that wouldn't be a problem, but for my dogs, anything new has the potential to be a catastrophe. But because I already bought this, and because I love the idea so much, this wasn't allowed to become a catastrophe. I knew I had to come up with a creative way to get these kids to try this thing out. My great idea? PEANUT BUTTER!

Abby, being a little piggy, LOVED IT!

Mole liked the peanut butter, but wasn't too fond of the rolly-ball dishing out the peanut butter.

Pocket, hated it all. No surprise there.

This is going to be a bit of a project for awhile. I want to try the peanut butter for a few more days, then I will probably move to chicken stock, then eventually onto water. I want them to LOVE the thing before we try it on a walk. I don't want to risk my babies getting dehydrated because they are afraid of the ever-so-slight noise that the licky-ball makes when it is being turned over.

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