Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fresh Start . . . Back To The Begining

I will be leaving the veterinary field after two and a half years of long days, sleepless night, short lunches, and weekend and holiday work. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of it, but I'm exhausted. I need a more regular schedule with steady days and occasional vacations. I need everything to be a little less "life and death".

All that being said, I'm going back to rescue. Don't laugh. Its true - I'm doing something that I said I will never do again. Not sure how it happened, but it did and I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the stressful days of not knowing which dog to pull and which to leave - for probable PTS. The stress of where to put it until it gets adopted and if the home its placed in is the absolute perfect home for him. Sure I'll get two days a week to myself and holidays, but I doubt if I'll ever get my full lunch or sound sleep at night. Some of us just aren't that luck - nor do we want to be.

Something are worth far more . . .

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