Sunday, June 01, 2008

Time Off

I need a break from life for awhile. Every once in a while something will happen that alters your view on life. It can change the way you feel about yourself and the way you feel about others.

Abby is still missing. This is one of the hardest things I have gone through - and I have gone through some really crappy things. Not knowing where one of your kids are is harder then knowing if they died. You always wonder. . .

But on the other side, I have learned that people can be amazing. People I don't even know are calling and asking if they can help. People all over are concerned and are keeping her in their thoughts and prayers. Its funny how complete strangers can fill you will love and offer amazing support. This is a crappy thing to happen, but it has restored my faith in people - Something that I never really had to begin with.

Keep your fingers crossed that Abby makes it home. We all miss her. . .

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