Saturday, August 02, 2008

Abby Bobblehead

Mac's mom posted this super funny video about Booker Bobblehead. When booker gets excited he wags his tail and his head starts to bobble. Its a hilarious video and almost made me want a bobble head dog for myself.

Well, I got my wish, but it wasn't as fun as I had hoped it would be. Abby had bobble head last night. It lasted for about 5 minutes and continued through me petting her and her laying her head down on the pillow - the only place this now spoiled dog will sleep.

It scared me quite a bit, but since I had just taken some sleeping medicine for my cold, I was SOL for driving her to the E-vet. Once the fam got home, the bobbling had stopped and she was sleeping soundly. No need to rush her in and pay a fortune when I could wait till morning and talk to a vet I trusted.

His opinion: mini seizure. Yep, seizure. He said its possible that she had some minor trauma to her head and that there is a small scar which is causing the trembling. He said it may get worse, or it may not. There is really no way to tell what the cause is unless I do an MRI - not gonna happen at this stage. So for now, the only thing to do is just wait and see. See if it happens again and see if it gets worse.

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