Monday, March 30, 2009

Bikram Yoga

I used to do a lot of yoga . . .you know. . .when I was young . . .
I used to do a lot of running. . .you know. . .when I was young. . .

Thinking back, I used to do a lot of things before I worked at job that took up my entire life. Then I got smart and got a better job that gave me more time to myself.

I used to do a lot of things before I got a dog that took up my entire life. Then I got smart. . .wait. . .I still have that dog. . .but I also have a life. . .

What to do with said "life"?

YOGA!!! And not just any yoga- Bikram Yoga.

Bikram Yoga is different from other forms of yoga in that the studio is heated to 105 degrees with 40% humidity. Also, there are 26 postures that are repeated twice during each 90 minute class. The heat is said to help relax the muscles more which helps one get deeper into the pose. I really enjoy the heat - although I am not a big fan of the sweaty men in speedos doing yoga next to me.

Bikram Choudhury, the founder, has copyrighted and franchised Bikram Yoga which has created a lot of controversy. Many people feel that "making money off of yoga" goes against the spiritual aspect of yoga itself. Also, yoga has been around for a couple hundred years and Choudhury has only been around since 1946. I will say that his franchising has actually been beneficial to me because all of the teachers must attend his classes; which means that all of the Bikram Yoga classes are exactly the same. It is great for a beginner because you quickly learn what it is you are supposed to do. It is also nice for people who travel because they could attend any Bikram Yoga studio in any state/country and it will be exactly the same as it is at their home studio.

I also like the price. . .$10 for 10 classes for 10 consecutive days. Yeah, only an idiot would do 10 straight days of yoga. . . let me be clear, I am not said idiot! I took a two days off. . .

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