Friday, October 16, 2009

Ignorance is Bliss. . .

. . .and knowledge will keep you up at night. Earlier this afternoon a coworker and I agreed that it would be so nice to be one of those ignorant pet owners who went about their lives not worrying about the health of their pets. But we aren't. I like to think of myself as only slightly neurotic, but very on top of my pet's health needs. I make sure that they have regular dentals (9 months for pocket, 1 1/2 years for mole), yearly blood work, acupuncture, x-rays when needed, etc. I know the benefit that early detection can bring - and that early treatment can add months, or years, to your pet's life.

I did Abby's yearly blood work today. Abby freaked out half-way through her blood draw and I only got enough for a chem panel. I tried for more blood, but she wasn't having any of it. I didn't press the issue because this was just routine blood work - I wasn't seeing anything in her behavior that caused concern. I really wish that I pressed the issue because her kidney panel came back high. And while I am trying not to panic, I know too much about what could be wrong that I can't help but panic.

I talked to a friend about this - before the panic set in - and I said "this dog can not die". As soon as I said that, it struck me that this is my dog. Some how in the craziness that has been the past year, I fell in love with this girl and she has become an instrumental part of our family. She is one of my kids. I love her completely and totally. I have to make sure that this is just a simple infection and not something more. And until I have concrete proof that she is 100% fine, I am going to worry. Abby, on the other hand, just wants me to crawl into bed and cuddle her. And because I love her so much, I am going to pretend that everything is fine, so that she can remain blissfully unaware that something, somewhere is wrong. She has had enough crap in her life, she shouldn't have to worry that her mom is crazy too.

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