Thursday, February 28, 2008

So Happy. . .

I finally got off work early (ie: on time) and grabbed the chance at taking the kids for their first after work walk of the year. It was amazing for all three of us. Normally when I walk the dogs off leash I still make them follow basic rules, but today, all bets were off. I took them to pocket's tree then yelled "GO!" and they took off running. They were so happy. Mole was jumping over ravines like he was three years old - disc disease? what's that? I could almost hear pocket giggling. It made my week seeing those two that happy.

I took a few pics of the kids with the new "camera" but they didn't come out so great. I guess we were all moving so fast that they all came out blurry. Well, all but one. Its a little fuzzy, but it looks like one of those cool oil paintings.

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