The question was: Does it make you kinda sad that you won't be able to do the things that you used to do when you just had Pocket and Mole?
This question threw me off guard because I hadn't thought about MY life and how it will change now that Abby is back. It wasn't that long ago when I didn't give a second thought to packing the kids up in the car and going camping or hiking or seeing strange new things.
Notice the happy little dog next to the strange cold river.

Or the curious dog next to the funny smelling goats

Or the fun off-leash doggie time these two are having

I think my answer was: We'll figure something out. . . The typical answer you give when you don't know what the real answer is. Because the truth is, it does make me sad. I will forever miss the easy times I had when my two, well socialized, well behaved dogs could go anywhere and every where because they were "stable" dogs. Right now the time I spend with my two out of the house is far more stressful because of the third. Everyone feeds off of everyone's anxiety - including my own. But I do have to figure something out because that is my life style. I need dogs that I can trust and that trust me. However, I'm smart enough to know that it takes time and that neither one of my dogs was perfect when I got them, but they became close enough to perfect to make our relationship work. And I'm probably stupid enough to think that Abby can get there too.
So, I guess we'll figure something out. . .
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