Sunday, May 10, 2009

Agility NOT My Dog

Abby had a great first agility training session. Not only was she focused on me, she also offered some sits. Abby's first lesson was an agility tunnel - she got both her front feet in, but that was about as far as she would go - not too bad for a dog with NO socialization to going into things. It was decided that we would go back the next day and try again.

Abby was having a very "off day", so we put her away and tried with someone else. To my surprise, Topper was the star of the day! He immediately ran through the tunnel with little more then one treat thrown through. He liked it so much that he kept doing it! (Don't worry, I'm not keeping him!)

Mole also found something he enjoyed: the teeter! It is much smaller then regulation height, but it was still a moving teeter! He didn't have any fear of it. It was strange to watch - my little old man. He also really liked the jumps - not something I was encouraging.

I also did some practicing with dogs that already know what they are doing. They looked beautiful running through the weaves and over jumps. I, on the other hand, looked like a fumbling idiot running next to them - seriously, they gave me that "you are such an idiot" look. That is why I can never own dogs smarter then me.

After the long day in the hot sun, we were all ready to go home and rest. But we brought the tunnel home for some practice thinking that a strange object in a familiar environment isn't as strange. Guess who goes through the tunnel now????


Followed closely by everyone else. . .cleaning up the chicken she missed!

The dogs slept like rocks, I slept like crap trying to sleep around 4 rocks!

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