Friday, April 18, 2008

I Was Being Suffocated

. . . By dog hair.

Well, It felt like it anyway.

For some reason today I felt like I was being suffocated by dog hair. I felt like it was everywhere. It seemed like I couldn't pick it all up fast enough. It all started when I washed the crate blanket. When I pulled it out of the drier I pulled Mole out with it! There must have been 9 pounds of dog hair in the lint trap. And I know the trap was clean before I stuck the blanket in there. The weirdest part is that the kids NEVER use their home crate - I have actually been thinking about retiring it to the garage to give me more space. Guess the hair just traps there because of the blanket.

You know how cleaning goes. Once you start you just can't seem to stop. Since I had dog hair issues I had to pull everything out from under my bed and get all the hair out from there too. While I was at it, it seemed like a good time to go through my books. Not sure why today seemed like a good day since I haven't done that in YEARS! It one of my "things" throwing out books. I just can't seem to do it. It practically hurts me to do so. But I somehow managed to get rid of 6 bags of books. Took them to the closest used book store - and now I have store credit so that I can stock up again!

The last thing was that I got a new rug. I haven't pulled it out yet, but I got it. The rug I have has been down for about 2 years. Not that long in people time, but 2 people years is like 10 dog years when it comes to rugs. I think that the weave is capturing that "dog smell". So gross. The reason I haven't put it down yet is that there is some discussion as to whether or not the fire retardant causes thyroid issues in cats. A thyroid issue would probably be beneficial to one of my cats, but its not that fun in the long run. I think that I'll hold onto it for a bit before I decide.

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