Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Raw Conundrum

I thought that once I started feeding Abby raw that my life would be so much easier. And it is to an extent, but then again - its not.

At first I thought it would be difficult for her to make the transition, but it wasn't. Abby LOVES raw. She gets so excited when it comes time to eat. She actually whines more than mole - I now know that it is possible. She eats about 3 oz twice a day; that is double mole and triple pocket. For the most part my dogs eat a pre-made raw. I don't have a lot of freezer space and they really don't eat that much, so it is actually an affordable way to feed my 14#s of dog. But when you add Abby into the equation, it becomes extremely expensive. I flip-flop between Primal and Nature's Variety. Both have great food, but they offer different things and I like to give them a bit of variety in protein and veggie. Primal has bags with 64 nuggets, and NV has bags with 48 nuggets. If you do that math, that one bag lasts between 4-6 days. Not even one week. Let me say again, I do not have a lot of freezer space. I go to the pet store a lot.

I talked to some people and am going to try something new for a bit. I am switching to patties instead of nuggets and hope that they last a bit longer. It really isn't any cheaper, but I'm not switching anybody to kibble. I am also going to feed a lot more necks. I really should be feeding more then I do, but I'm a bit lazy. Ok, it wasn't really me being lazy, but I didn't like locking my dogs outside during winter while they ate their dinner. I'll probably also go to the store to see if they have any left over ground - that is where the $avings come in. I may also try to plan a veggie-glop night.

This really shouldn't be that hard.

In other Abby news, she still does not sleep through the night. She has to potty twice during the night. I have started picking up the water bowl, but so far that isn't helping. If she isn't jumping all over the place then she is licking herself constantly. That sound is so gross and will wake the dead out of a sound sleep.

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