Saturday, June 26, 2010

Looking Ahead

First let me say that I am not getting another dog any time soon. But that hasn't stopped me from thinking about one in the future.

I have never chosen a dog, well not for me anyway. I have chosen a lot of dogs for other people. . . but that is a very different thing. All of my dogs became my dogs for various reasons but none were for a specific purpose. My next dog will be for a specific purpose: agility, obedience, and. . .??? The possibilities are endless.

I thought that it would be easy to choose a dog, but there is a lot to think about and the first is breed. I know that I need a dog that is physically capable of handling the routine. I also need a dog that is going to be able to mentally handle my life - and by that I mean people, other dogs, cats, children, traveling, etc. I know that I don't want a dog with a lot of hair or one that is going to require grooming. Even with those specific requirements, there are still a lot of great breed prospects. And once I settle on a breed, I then have to decide if I want to rescue or purchase a puppy. There are benefits and drawbacks to both.

I am giving myself roughly two years to sort this all out. I figure it will take about that long to talk to enough people, meet enough dogs, and purchase a bigger car. Plus, it's going to take me at least that long to talk pocket into it.

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